Siraj was going through what he felt was the worst phase of his life. Nothing seemed right. Nothing seemed exciting or intersting. He had got bored hanging out with his friends at the same places again and again. He had got bored with the monotonous life. Infact he had got bored with life itself.
The mobile was ringing.
"Hello", said Siraj.
"Hey !! Priya here. You coming for the party?" asked Priya.
Siraj was quiet for some time then replied, " Can't make it, have got some other pre planned commitments".
"Hey cmon yaar, everyone's going to be there. It would be great if you could come along too, for friendship's sake!!", Priya said. Siraj was quiet again.
"For friendship's sake!!". These words kept echoing again in his mind. There was a time when these words had such a great value in his life. He was the friend everyone wanted to have. " Tu to 'yaaron ka yaar' he yaar!!, his friends used to keep saying. He was like the thread which held everyone together. But somehow now, those three words had lost its significance.
"Sorry Priya, I really cant make it." he lied ending the conversation.
After cutting the call, he once again went back in time like he so often did.
It was that time when everything seemed so much in control. He had lots of friends around him. He was the joker in the group. Always full of life. Always in a mood for fun, enjoying life to its fullest. He loved everyone and everyone loved him. That what he felt, then. He was having a time of his life. Friends, friends and more friends. Friendship ruled.
But a four letter word, spoilt it all. LOVE!!
Siraj always believed in the 'love at first sight' theory. He felt that when his so called life partner or soul mate would come in front of him, he would recognise her at once, at that very instant. Something would happen in his heart. Something which would make him say, Yes!! this is the ONE!!
That however hadn't happened when he had first met Priya through a common friend at the college festival. There was nothing about her which appealed to him at the first meeting.It was just a "hi, hello , glad to meet you" thing which happens with strangers until Priya slowly got into their gang and became an integral part of it.
He didnt know how and when it all started. But somehow among all the friends he had, there was one person he felt he needed to be there with him all the time. That one person without whom he felt that the group seemed incomplete. He felt incomplete. That one person without whom he didnt seem to get the same energy to have fun. That one person who made him happy. That one person....was Priya.
The more he talked to her, the more he got to know her better , the more he understood her , the more he fell for her.He seemed to realise that without her, something was always missing. A day never seemed like a day if he had not contacted her. She was special. There was never a moment when he did not think about her. he soon realised that this was love. this had to be love. It was his first and he never felt so happy before ever.
He wanted to have her and be with her for the rest of his life and thats when everything went wrong.
It was a dark and cloudy day as he waited outside her house. She came down to meet him. It was her birthday. He handed the bunch of roses he had bought for her.
" Happy Birthday Priya" , he said.
"Thank you, that's so nice of you.", she said taking the bunch.
" I love you , Priya" he blurted out without giving a second thought.
Minutes later he saw himself walking back to his home. The dark clouds hovering above his head had broken apart and the rains had come. His heart had broken apart and the tears had come. He tried to remember the last time they had come out, but he couldnt.

By the time he reached home he was totally drenched by the rain as well as by his own tears. More by which was hard to say.
Priya's face, that look of shock, those words she had said kept echoing in his head again and again.... 'i never looked at you from that angle , you will always be my good friend, i am sorry, hope you understand, can we still be good friends 'for friendship's sake' ....
The mobile rang again bringing him into the real world. He cut the call, switched off his cell and threw it away. He held his head tightly and screamed louldy. He felt relived when he did this.
He got up and went to the balcony. That was one place where he felt at ease. That was one place he always went if he had to make any decision. That place was special.
'For friendship's sake' ....he couldnt seem to understand these words. He had changed now. He just didnt seem to be interested in anything. He felt his life had lost its meaning. He felt he had lost the reason for living. So much time, so many days had passed since that dreadful day. Yet he had not recovered.
But he had so much life in front of him. He had so much do to. So many dreams, so many responsibilities. He couldnt throw away his life like this, hiding away from reality.
There were two parts in him.
One which said to become like the SRK in Devdas and waste life for the love that was lost. The other which said be like the SRK in his real life who chased love till he finally got it.
One which said that no matter how hard he tried, Priya wasnt going to accept him. The other which said it was worth giving a try.
One which said, forget it, forget her, forget that she even exists, ignore her, move on find someone else. The other which said dont loose hope, keep in touch, dont loose the friend in her , for friendship's sake.
And because of these two parts inside him, he was always in a dilemma.
He loved her so much, much more that she could possibly imagine. But he just didnt know how to show her or make her understand. He still kept thinking of her all the time. The more he tried to forget her, the more he thought of her in the process. There was not a single day when he had not thought of her. He sometimes felt like calling her, speaking with her as if nothing had happened but couldnt gather the courage to do so. He had to understand that friendship was above love and that he had to be her friend if not her love.
But he had to take a decison soon. He had to remove one part out. He had to become who he was. He had to return to his friends. He had to choose. He had to choose and choose now. He had to choose the latter.
He had to do this for his own sake. He had to do this for friendship's sake.
He ran to get his mobile, switched it on.
"Heyy Priya, I'm coming for the party....for friendship's sake!!"