its the time when there is too much love, that even a little misunderstanding can end it all together. when hanging out with ones enemies seems like paradise.
its the time when sin becomes a part of ones life even though one know its wrong. when you are trying too hard to forget the past.
its the time when the whole world seems like heaven and hell at the same time. when life dosent seem to have any meaning and keeps dragging and dragging itself.
its the time when you wanna live for the present. To hell with the past and the future. when the one you always thought about makes you dont wana think anymore about anything.
its the time when you experience all emotions.....all at one time. when you feel life is to be wasted away by enjoying it to the fullest.
its the time when you can keep doing a same thing again and again and get bored and yet you keep enjoying that boredom. when trying something new is the need of the hour.
its the time when love leads to hate and hate to love......a vicious cirlce. when all you wana do it keep your mind blank and keep erasing old and fresh memories .
its the time when evil prevails over the good. But we still love it. when there is no purpose , no boundaries, no worries, no responsibilties, no questions, no answers, no explanations, no nothing.
the time is NOW.