He liked her from the day he saw her.He felt she was "THE ONE". And as usual, it all started with friendship.

That brick of friendship slowly but surely started turning real hard...atleast from one side....his side. Maybe it was turning hard from the other side too. But he was too scared to peep over the brick to find out.
Fate shows up. They were separated. Only by distance,but neverthless separated. They still kept in touch but everyone knows about the problems in long distant relationships. Life seemed to be taking them in separate directions , directions each wanted to go, aware of the fact that its taking them away from each other. He had no choice.She had no choice. He didnt peep over.
That grip on the brick ...the brick of friendship they were holding together... was loosening. It seemed that the brick would fall and break but it was supported by a small portion of the fingers. It was still intact.
Years later, it so happened that somehow their paths crossed each other. He was glad, he was happy. He thought of fate. He felt probably she was intended to be with him. Thats why even after going in separate directions on different roads, they once again met each other. The brick was once again held properly. They came a bit more closer this time. He eventually fell in love ...or so he thought. But he was a coward. He once again didnt have the guts to peep over that brick.
Fate sensed the cowardness, and decided to once again separate them. Fate was hard on him. Fate felt there is no use for it to cross their paths. He would never be able to tell her.They were separated again.
Once again that grip was loosening. The intensity was more this time. The brick however was still intact.
He was heartbroken. He cursed himself. He was foul mouthing fate. He was shattered.But he overcame the grief. He sought company of his friends to do so. He defeated that enemy within. He had emerged victorious. He made a new start. He tried erasing her memories. He tried his best. But some remained. He moved ahead.
What happens next. ONCE AGAIN fate shows up.
Once again fate lets their path cross each other.
Is fate kind?
Is fate unkind?
Is fate trying to play with his emotions?
Is fate trying to give him that one more chance?
Is fate trying to stop him in his new found path and asking him to look back just one more time?
Is fate giving him one more chance to hold that brick hard, real hard this time and peep over?
Is fate wanting him to tell her what he couldnt for so many years?
He dosent know.This time however, he decided to played it safe. He knew a second heartbreak would be more severe. He would not be able to get on his legs again and walk in the desired path.
He searched for the feelings he once had for her. But they had dwindled or had he dwindled them away.
He searched for that happiness he got, when he used to see her. It had disappeared or had he made it to.
He searched for that feeling of "she is THE ONE" he had got when he had seen her the first time. He couldnt find it anymore or had he hidden it somwhere.
Fate says "Enough is enough. I gave you many chances now. you did not using them. You are such a coward."
He says "Why were you playing games with me?"
Fate says "You are missing your last chance, buddy."
He says "You didnt want us to be together in the first place."
Fate says "You never tried to peep over the brick."
He says "You took her away from me, when I was gathering up the courage to do so"
Fate says "She may have liked you from the start just as you did".
He says "Maybe she did ,maybe she didnt. But its too late now."
Fate says "It never too late"
He says "Ya right!! Why the hell did you make it late then? Ahh!! forget it. My dear fate, you won. I surrender.
Fate says "Dont surrender. Trust your insticts. Look inside. Deep inside. Find the answer. Find the solutions."
He says " I dont know. I cant. I tried. Its tough."
She is leaving now yet again. Fate is making her leave. He feels this time, its for good. He is never going to see her again.
The brick is going to fall and break.
What should he do?
Should he tell her the truth?
Should he tell her that he loved her once, loved for real but dosent find the same feelings now?
Should he tell her that he still likes her, which he does from within. As a friend maybe?
Should he not say anything and let her go?
Hi Sudz....this resembles and reminds me something...-;)
What I think is, if someone's Love for someone FADES with time then its not a TRUE LOVE and that love can be replaced by any other love anytime,anyhow and for any reason,any compromise.A true love is same after 5 yrs,15 yrs or 50 yrs and it doesnt mean that the person should be with you always...if only mere company or presence of someone can make your LOVE for someone stronger then I think its just an illusion of being in love...who knows after departing they might not even remember each other.
So this person in the story doesnt know or is rather confused about his love...so the best answer could be given to him only when he asks himselfs and realises the clarity about this matter...
Any suggestions,do let me know...-:)
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