What he was doing. But he couldnt, even after trying so hard. But he had to. He had to try. He closed his eyes. Didnt make a difference as it was already pitch dark. Then he remembered. He remembered her. He felt the room getting filled with brightness as soon as he remembered her. He felt free. He felt happy. He saw her image standing there right in front of him. He saw her face. He noticed a smile on her face. He felt a breeze creep in from nowhere and blow her hair. She was looking so pretty. Her smile was as lovely as ever. He stretched his hand towards her, but she was not within reach. He felt tied up. He tried to break free. But he couldnt. He asked her to come close to him. But she did not. Maybe she couldnt. Maybe she tried but couldnt. Maybe she didnt try and hence couldnt. He didnt know what was going on in her head. He tried very hard, used up all his strength to reach her, but he couldnt. He didnt want to give up. He called out her name. Please, please come. Help me. But she couldnt. He tried to see the expression on her face but he couldnt. Was she still smiling? Why was she still smiling? Did she not hear his voice? Did she not hear his calls? He didnt get any answers. The more he tried to go towards her, the more she kept moving away from him. And before he could realise her image suddenly vanished, leaving him in darkness yet again. There was silence. Absolute silence. He could hear nothing. No, he could hear something. It was his heart. It beating very fast. He could hear his breath. He was quiet. Moment passed. Suddenly, he felt a pain. He felt something piercing his heart. He felt as if someone had put a dagger straight into him. The pain was terrible. He felt the blood ooze out. He felt his tears roll out as if trying to compete which one would drain out faster. He opened his eyes. There was still darkness around. He couldnt feel anything. He felt his body becoming empty. He felt the emptiness inside. He felt the hollow inside. He felt he was getting cold. Very cold. But yet he was thinking about her. He felt weak. Suddenly, memories which he felt had been wiped out, came back. He felt scared. They were haunting him. He shouted. He screamed. He screamed so loud that he felt one of his vein burst. But no one heard him. No one could hear him. He was alone. He was tired. He felt the sweat on his face. He felt his body getting wet, making him feel more cold. He felt his hands get numb. He felt he couldnt move his legs. He felt his brain going hazy. His heartbeat was slowing down. Her vision again appeared in front of his eyes. He felt happy and he felt sad both at the same time. It was a strange feeling. Slowly, steadily, the heartbeat dropped. His eyes were closing. He didnt want to close. He wanted her vision to be there till the very end. He didnt want to loose it. He didnt want to loose her. But the eye lids seemed to be very heavy. He tried his best to keep them open. His brain was now numb. He gave out one last gasp of air.
His hearbeat stopped.
His body was still.
But his eyes were open.
He kept them open.
He kept them open till the very end...till the very end.

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