You keep on searching for the right ones. Search , search and search. Search the ones farthest from you, forgetting to look at the near ones first. Sometimes after you have finished looking for the ones farthest away from you, you realize that the one you were looking for is the one closest to you. It has been there with you all this while. You just didn’t look. You ignored it. Well, your whole life goes in searching for those pieces, putting them together and trying to solve the puzzle. Some people manage to put all the pieces together before their time gets over. Some dont.
Their scattered pieces remain scattered all the time. No matter how much they try, they just are not able to solve the puzzle. Unlucky chaps. Sometimes, they wish they were given a different jigsaw puzzle to solve. But you can only wish. Coz what you have been given, is what you have. You cant change, you cant ask. You have no choice. Solve it. Keep trying. Well the puzzle solving goes on.
Life goes on.
Sometimes you feel life is like a boat. You are the captain. You are in control of the sails. You sail away from the shore out towards the unknown sea. Not because you want to but because you have to. Again a choice you have to make. With the same amount of pain in your heart for leaving the safety zone of the shore is the amount of excitement to look forward for something new. You pull those sails and explore.

You keep on sailing towards the unpredictable sea waiting for you. Speaking of unpredictable, here, sometimes you feel life is like the sea. Life is indeed unpredictable. Also, just like the sea which keeps returning to the shore, no matter how far you go from your loved ones, you just feel like going back to them. Hey, but we were talking about the boat here. You keep moving on, having to face the calmness and the smooth ride sometimes and at other times turbulence and storms. Well the boat sails on.
Life goes on.
Sometimes life is like playing cards. You know what you have and what you dont. With what you have, you have to try to make the most of it and try to win. You may have some good cards, some bad ones, but you cant do anything much. All you have to do is play and you have to make decisions, which ones to play with, and when, at what time. And you have to make those decisions quick.

You have to sometimes keep track of your oppositions, take into account other peoples cards and see what they do with theirs. Its always i, me, myself attitude most of us have which we carry all the time with life. Some people succeed in the game, feeling happy but loosing out the trust of other people on the way. Some people dont. They carry on even if they loose and want to start a new game. Well the game goes on.
Life goes on.
Sometimes life is like ……….aaaahhgg forget it.
What the heck. What is this I am writing?? Don’t I have anything better to do??
Don’t youuuu have anything better to do. All you people reading this, get back to your life.
I need to solve my own jigsaw puzzle, I need to sail out towards the sea and oh shit, its my move next for throwing the playing card. Adios Amigos.
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