How you doing?
Great....and what about you.
Not too bad.
You know something....its been close to two months!! and I havent written any new poem nor any story.
2 months!! ....Great ...keep it up.....and dont worry ...bad habits do take time to leave....but eventually they do...
Haha.....very funny....But you see...I am not so sure what has happened. Its not that I am short of ideas or have hit the writers block. NO. I got plenty of them stuck in my head. But when it comes to getting them out, the mood changes. ....Dunno why.
You know something....I always hated that stuff.
Ya....I know....whatever... !! Anyways, somehow I feel that the fuzz inside me has fizzled away !! .
..fizzled away?? ....sheeeeeeeshh.....i wonder if there is even a word like that !! ...
To be frank, I guess I been pre-occupied with work. Yes, its true. Probably that might be one reason. Also, that perhaps nothing interesting or happening is happening!!
happening is happening"!!!!...sheesh!!...whats happening dude ...control !! ..... :-)
No...I mean I have so much to write but not finding the time perhaps. And when I do find the time, the mood goes under cover. Now mood does decide what I put up here. Not that I am a very moody person, but still it holds quite some significance.
Dude!! Tell me frankly... Does anyone read the stuff you write?
Yes ..I guess...maybe.
Does anyone wait for it eagerly?
hmmmm.. I dont think so. And why should they. I started writing this blog for my own and not for anyone else...i think!!. ..
Precisely.!! Does anyone even care about what you put in here or what you dont? Does it matter? Does it make any difference to the thinking of the person reading it? Does it make any difference to the world!! ? .......Sheeeeeeesh !!! ....For all I can say, stop this crap.
Crap?? Dont call this crap buddy......Its the only outlet I have for my feelings....for my emotions.....
Feelings....Emotions!! ....ya right....What the heck dude....There is no such things as feelings ...emotions....its all for the books and fairy tales...and movies ..and stuff like that.....In reality...its just how to be practical..Everything else just goes for a toss...Its happening dude...look around..
NO....No....its not like that with everyone. Sometimes they do hold importance.
Oh do they now??...Look who is talking !!.....Well...tell me what have you got out of
them ?? ...Have they helped you in any way? Have they even been considered ? ..forget about being responded to ??
Well....I ......I mean....
Grow up buddy.....Get over with this....Life cannot be lived with soft and weak stuff like
these.....Live life the hard way....the tough way....The practical way!!....like many do. ...People dont give a damn of what you think ...of what you feel....or of what your so called 'emotions' which are hiding inside you...waiting to find their ...what was the word you used "OUTLET" !! ....yes ...outlet!! ....
Its not like that ...Sometimes they do....
There.... you said it yourself... "Sometimes" !!.....And what about the other times ??
I dunno. But I feel they do.
Ya ..Ya...thats what you think.....!!....Keep thinking.....Thats all you can do. I sometimes wonder, why do you do things that should not be done. I mean....you know....what I am talking about right....I mean.... its all about choices... I believe. And people have choices. And you cant change other people's choices, unless they themselves want to. And sometimes, when they realise and want to change their choices, it can sometimes be too late to do so. I mean you cannot change the way a person thinks about you, feels about you ...can you? And its very difficult to change their choice if you cant change their feelings.
Aha....thats my point..now you said it yourself...FEELINGS.....!! My only aim is to find the outlet for my feelings...irrespective of what other people think or act or choose. Let their choices remain to themselves, changed or unchanged ...it dosent matter to me.
Now you are talking sense.
Hmmm... We both are right in our own ways arent we ....Its just that I had lost in somewhere. I guess I had got too attached to what I was writing.
Uhhh....excuse me...Lost it ?? ...when did you "Have" it to loose it!! .. :-)
No...No...but having said that something is wrong here. Dead wrong. I cant do this. I cant just write for the sake of writing. I cant just write without having any attachment. It wont make that great a thing to read. Will it ?
Huh...What was that ??
Having said that I do standby what you said....I need to stop over doing it.....I mean.... Its time to take some decisions. Some strong decisions.
Its about time.
The strength has to seep in.
Huhhhh !!
Its time for change. A new start. ..........BLAH BLAH BLAH......
Oh ENUF...DUDE...ENUF......
STOP IT ...cant take your bullshit anymore. ...
You seriously need to take some medications!!.....
Gud one... ekdum Dile Se likha hai... as if u dint write it for writing or telling anything!
It seemed as if there was a voice recording machine.. that just recorded ur conversation within... and converted it into a words here! :)
Gud stuff yaar... acha hai kuch hatke likhna... dil kholke likhna!
And dont u dare say nobody reads ur blog... i do whenever i can!
Aur ek baat... tum jab blog banaate ho to its for letting ur thoughts thru to those who want to read it...!
So u might write in for yourself but for others.. but its only a way to build thoughts and relation i think.
wut say?
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