As if having loved her was such a crime.
She is smiling, while he cries in pain.
This cant happen, this is insane.
He tears it apart, then joins the pieces.
Burns them up and then eats the ashes.
His strengths all gone yet again, oh no.
His bags are packed, he's ready to go.
To travel far and to travel wide
To some far off place where one does not reside
To make way for all the memories to clear
the ones that were ugly and the ones that were dear.
But he does not succeed in his mission
The past haunts him and puts him in submission.
The harder he tries, for her thoughts to erase
The stronger they come back, he's stuck in a maze.
He sees her everywhere, with every other blink.
In the air he breathes, in the wine he drinks.
He longs for someone to help him now
Someone to end his life, or to show him how.

But alas for him, there is no one around
A pin drop silence, not a word nor a sound.
For the better or worse, he is all by himself
But he has to do, do what he intends for self
Picks up a piece, the first one he found.
He takes a deep breath and then thinks no more
He cuts his wrist, the hand goes sore.
He closes his eyes, and sees a vision
He relives his life, till this decision.
The tears dont stop rolling, the world seems dull
The time has gone silent, the moment seems lull
Mixed emotions are running through his veins
Life seems to fizzle out, nothing makes sense
Life seems to fizzle out, nothing makes sense
Life seems to fizzle out, nothing .........
This is the best piece of poem I have seen from you!! This is simply d best!!!!!
I cant believe what i read man! It might not be a way to think in real life... but ur poem does reflect the feelings of those who seem so weak in lost love!
Its the best piece of work from u mate.... i bow in adorance to this masterpiece!
- Chiru
Sudz ..
Tat is actually good .. !!
But aisa kya gham tha jo tum is kadar dukhi hogaye ..
May be u need an INSTANT MASSAGER now .. !! ha ha ..
Wat happen to UUUUUUUU...
This is too good one....but im feeling much 4 u....dear...
praying to god.....if he is true...shd give nice girl as u like.....:)
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