"Arjun. Wake up Arjun." , said a voice.
Arjun opened his eyes. He was lying flat on the ground.
"huh.. whaa... ", he stood up on his feet.
He looked at himself, saw he was wearing white. All white.
But why was he wearing white?? He was not wearing white 5min back.
He looked around, everything around him was pure white. There was nothing else he cud see.
There was no one else he could see.
"Where am I", he murmured to himself.
"The question you should be asking is not where you are, but what are you doing here". The voice again spoke.
Arjun tried to recollect what he was doing. Yes. He was driving. Driving back home from work.
He was thinking about Naina. Then thinking about "not thinking about Naina".
And then there was this big truck which came in the front. Oh he hated trucks so much.
"Who are you", Arjun asked the voice.
"I am God."
"Huh,....Haha ... Hahahhahaah God?? ", Arjun started laughing loudly.
"Why are you laughing Arjun?"
"HUh .. nothing.. I mean i used to have conversations with God before. But not like this.
so just shut the crap and tell me where the hell am I ?", Arjun was furious.
"You are in the confrontation zone."
"Confrontation Zone ?? Wats that ? AM i dead or something? ", Arjun enquired.
"No Arjun. Not yet. You are in that last stage from where I decide whether and where I shud send you further?"
Arjun suddenly seemed to realise the situation. He remembered the impact he had with the truck.
Then he just blacked out. The next thing he remembered was waking up in this strange place.
So perhaps what this voice was telling him was indeed the truth.
"Ok. So what do you want from me God? You know we havent spoken in years.", Arjun smirked.
"Yes. Arjun. I know. Why did u leave me ? Why did you abandon me like this?"
"Oh...dont you know why ? I thought you are supposed to know everything. Didnt i even tell u why am i doing this to you?", Arjun said angrily.
"Havent I given you everything you wanted Arjun? Right from the time you were born"
"Most of the times, yes. But all those things never really matter. They were things which gave me momentary happiness. Yes. I was happy with all the favors you have done for me whenever I have asked them from you. But.... " , Arjun said the last word in a very low voice.
"But what Arjun?"
"You know WHAT.", Arjun rebuked.
"Yes... Naina.", Arjun seemed to be getting furious now.
"Wasnt that a miracle?"
"Yes God. It was. It was the best, infact the only miracle which seemed to have happened to me. You made it happen. You listened to me and my prayers and made it happen. Then why God why ?? Why did u end everything? Why did you ...", Arjun was crying now.
"My job is to bring people closer. Its their job to decide to live together"
"But you also create situations right ? You created the situation when we both fell in love. You created that chance. You made it happen. Then when everything was sailing smoothly, YOUUUU created another situation of helplessness for both of us. You bloody brought us closer and you are the one who separated us. Why do you give so much happiness to some person and then snatch it all away in an instant. WHY THE HELL DO YOU KEEP PLAYING WITH OUR LIVES LIKE THIS", Arjun said shouting and wiping his tears.
God was quiet.
"What happened? Nothing to say now?", Arjun rebuked.
"I am hurt Arjun. I really dont know wat to say. I have done so much for you all these years and I am hurt that you abandon me for one thing which..."
"That ONE THING...was what mattered to me the most in my life so far. So yes. YES i abandoned you. Huh...cmon God Dont you know how much....
JUST HOW MUCH we both had prayed to you to make things better. How much I had prayed to you for not doing the thing you did. We had a deal - You and Me.
I kept my side of it. I was even prepared to give more of my time to you in the future. I was going to surrender my soul to you. But you did not keep you end of the deal God.", Arjun was furious.
"You didnt have to surrender you soul to me. I stay in your heart anyways."
"No God. You dont. Not anymore. Only one person stays in my heart and is going to stay there forever and you know who i am talking about. I am sorry God. But each time i look at you now i see a failed person. I see someone who is not capable of making right and just decisions. Someone who has betrayed me. Someone who has failed me. Someone for whom i did so much and yet for reasons unknown to me , abandoned me. I didnt leave you God. You left me when i wanted you the most. HUh...dont u even remember God that till the LAST day. the last bloody day when a normal person would give up hope on everything. I still put my trust in you. I still prayed to you in the hope that you will listen to my prayer...atleast on the last day you will make something happen that Naina would not get separated from me. But you did not. You just.... You took her away. YOU left me ,,,here... ALONE", Arjun said.
God was quiet.
"You abandoned me God. You were my only hope. I was a person lost of any purpose to exist anymore. Two of the people whom i considered to be part of my soul. Two of the people who were the only ones i ever thought about or cared about. You and Naina left me together. I dont blame Naina. But i will blame YOU. You took her away from me and I had to go away from you. And i was lost God. I was lonely. I didnt have anyone to turn to. I was left with lots of questions. And i did not have any answers. I was left there to cry alone. No one to even share the immense pain i had in my heart. No shoulder to cry on. I thought of doing something bad to myself but I could not. There are other people out there who needed me to be alive. I was in my own world of misery God. I was falling in this hole of darkness of sorrow with no hand to reach out to. I could not even look at your face God. Coz it made me more angry on you. After all that we had between us how could you leave me and Naina so helpless."
Arjun was quiet now. The initial anger seemed to have subsided.
"DO you know Arjun that Naina has not given up on me yet? She worries about you. She even prays for your happiness and well being."
"Yaah. Am sure she does.", Arjun replied.
"What do you want from me Arjun?"
"Oh, I think you know EXACTLY what I want. But i really doubt you will ever make that happen. Listen God. I am sorry. But I have totally lost all faith in you. I have lost all faith in faith for that matter. I really do not know what is right or wrong. What is good or bad. I dont even care if you exist or not. You dont exist God. you are just man-made. You know what I have even removed you from my daily talk. I dont say words like 'Oh God', 'God bless' 'Holy' etc like I used to say before. ANd I made a mistake to realise this too late. I should have taken some "Action" when things were going wrong for me instead of Waiting for you to help me. You dont even help. You just play around. You dont even exit. Why am i even having this conversation", Arjun replied.
God was speechless.
"Ok God. fine. Here is the deal. You know that I have just one prayer on my mind, one wish in my heart right now. I have no idea if you will ever make that come true. But till then,.....till then God, promise me you will take care of Naina. Promise me you will keep her happy always. Promise me you will keep her smiling and laughing always. Coz she has given me so much happiness which i could never repay her back. She had given me so much love, which i could never repay her back. She meant the world to me then and even now. I love her. Even more than you God. So promise me.", Arjun said in a calm voice.

"I promise"
Arjun opened his eyes. He was lying flat on the ground. The road.
The sound of cars honking, people shouting.
"You ok brother?", an unknown face asked.
"Huh ..yaa...", Arjun replied seeing someone lifting his bike for him.
"You are lucky dost, you didnt get much hurt.", another unknown voice spoke.
Arjun sat on his bike. Drove home slowly.
Went home. removed his shirt. He was safe. No scratches on the body except on his left arm.
Blood was oozing out from the mud filled wound.
He washed it with dettol and cleaned it up.
As he was drying the wound, he noticed that the wound made a mark of "N" just above the elbow. Arjun smiled.
Strangely, the wound was not paining at all. Perhaps the pain in the heart was already so much that no amount of physical pain caused any problem.
He went to a doctor. Got some injections and bandages done and came back home.
He looked at the picture of God in his rack. He had not touched it for years now.
It was covered with dust and a couple of cobwebs around it.
He picked it up, cleaned it and placed it back on the rack.
"This is for the promise you made to me God. Dont expect anything else from me.", Arjun said looking at the pic for one last time.
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