Monday was a Holiday from office and it was raining heavily. Aditya was hoping the rains should stop soon.He had already made big plans for the day. Biggest perhaps. He had decided to propose to her today."Huh... Goddd.. why these rains cant stop?", he cursed to himself, soon getting distracted by the phone ring "Nivedita calling". His heart skipped a beat like it always did for the past 2 years. She was someone he could share everything with.She even knew all about his past. And thats what made her special.
"Hi", he said picking the call and hoping she would not cancel the plan."What should we Adi?", she enquired."Lets just wait for sometime. If the rains stop, I will come and pick you up.", Aditya replied."Ok. Cool." was the reply as she cut the phone.
Aditya prayed to God like he always did. Having an imaginery conversation."Cmon man. This is it. Its been 2 years since we met. I know had my chances and I missed them. But this time i really want to.Please stop the rains God"

Just then he heard another lightning. And the pour increased. Aditya smiled with anger. A strange mix of emotions."Ok Fine. This is it. You want to test how badly I need her. Fine.", he said storming out of the house.
"Dude.. where the hell you think you are going in this rain", his roomie shouted."Be right back", Aditya shouted back.
Aditya was not knowing what he was doing. But yet he started his bike. Got completely drenched in the first 1minute he drove.Reached Nivedita's place. Rang the bell. The door opened. It was Shilpa, her roomie.She looked surprised.
"Adi !! What are you doing here ?"
"Uhhh .. Hi ... is Nivedita there ?" , he asked.
"Yes, but why are you wet. What are you doing here?", she again asked with her mouth open. "uhhh.. just call Nivedita please.", Aditya screamed.
Nivedita came to the door.
"Adi!! , what happened to you?, what are you doing here", she exclaimed.
"I need to tell you something. Can you come out to the stairs for sometime.", Aditya said wiping his face. "Sure".
He took her to the nearby stairs.
"Nivedita. I really dont know what I am doing here at this time and in this condition.I actually had planned a lot of things but then since the rains just wont stop, I thought i come up here and tell you myself."He kept quiet getting lost in the beauty of her eyes just like the first day he saw her.
"OK", replied Nivedita. "Go on".
"Huh... yaa so i was saying. uhhh...So the thing is, I had planned that after the movie, we would go to sea shore and eat the nice hot roasted corn and the bhajjiya and the .... " , he kept quiet.
Nivedita was quiet too as Aditya stared in her eyes.
"I have been thinking about you Nivi. Thinking a lot. No matter how hard I tried to neglect and prevent your thoughts from coming into my head, I just couldnt stop them. Everytime, everyplace, everywhere I go, you are always there right there in my thoughts, my dreams. I always feel very happy around you. But my past comes to haunt me all the time. I was afraid all this time. But today I was getting a feeling that it was now and never."
Nivedita listened with a little confused state but a state of complete calmness.
"I have lost the ones I loved, Nivedita. I was so scared of this darkness in love, that I stopped to search for the stars anymore. And thats why I decided to live my life on my own. Without love, ignorant of the fact that you were shining over me all this while. But now ....I realised that I am not afraid anymore!! I am not scared of getting hurt anymore. I realised that I was not afraid of loving anymore."
Nivedita was quiet.
"I love you Nivi", he ended after a pause.
"I know this might not be your fairytale proposal. I dont have any flowers or gift to suprise you with. Neither am i on my knees.Neither am i dressed correctly and I am soaking wet. But Whatever i have said was something I wanted to say for a really long time now.And i make a promise that no matter what you reply i would always be there to stand by you and care for you and ...."
Nivedita couldnt stop her tears from rolling out.
"I love you too", she replied interupting him and kissing him on the cheek.
Then there was a pause and then a laughter followed by another silent moment looking at each other.
Aditya looked outside. It had stopped raining.
"You still want to go to the movie and the sea and eat the roasted corn?" , Nivedita asked."Yes", he replied smiling.
"It has stopped raining. Go dry and change yourself first. Let me also get ready.", Nivedita said.
Adtiya ran down the stairs, started his bike, looked up at the sky and smiled. "Thanks for the rains and thanks for the holiday today", he said to God and drove back to his house.
In the lane so dark, he walked alone
His heart was heavy, as the moonlight shone.
His mind was confused, lost was his soul
He had prayed so hard, yet missed his goal.
A vision of memories of a time gone by
Flashing in front made him sigh.
Even the Gods seem to be crying, feeling his pain,
To let him know, it began to rain.
As he sat on the bench with eyes all wet
Contemplating a reason. Was it the rain or the pain.
The night had passed, the sun was in sight
He smiled as he felt the warmth of the first light
The chirping of birds, the fresh smell of the wetted earth
He seemed to have been given a whole new birth
The cold, but gentle breeze touched his face
The dark clouds of sorrow had moved away with grace
He looked up at the sky and the Gods he did thank
For washing away his tears, and clearing his mind blank.
With a new beginning and a bucket list
He decided to be alive and not just exist.

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